15 Luxuries That Broke People Continue to Spend Money On
No matter how hard people work, the sad reality is that many of them are still broke. A recent survey found that 65% of Americans admit they live paycheck to paycheck.
Their dire financial situation doesn’t stop them from paying for things that aren’t exactly necessary for their survival. They shouldn’t have to deprive themselves of life’s extras, but it makes you wonder how much more money they would have if they weren’t spending on these things.
1. Acrylic Nails

Getting acrylic nails done is fun and makes the wearer look and feel good. Unsurprisingly, women of all socioeconomic statuses are getting them done. However, it can quickly become an expensive habit.
Acrylic nails typically require biweekly visits to the salon. The more ornate the nail design and the longer the nails are, the more they cost. That’s even before adding the cost of pedicures.
2. Car Accessories

Buying after-market car parts can easily cost tens of thousands of dollars. Tire rims alone can cost thousands of dollars. The latest craze, boom cars, is an example of how expensive car accessories can be.
Boom cars are vehicles equipped with enormous custom speakers that can play music that can be heard from miles away. Outfitting a car with a boom system can cost between $20,000 and $80,000.
3. Coffee Shop Beverages

We all know that it’s much cheaper to brew coffee at home, but there’s something about the convenience and cool factor of buying that expensive cup of coffee. It’s not just limited to coffee, either.
There are smoothies, teas, and other drinks with an exorbitant price tag that folks will spend the last few dollars in their bank accounts or the last bit of available funds on their credit cards to buy.
4. Delivery Food

Mobile apps have made it easier than ever to get meals and groceries delivered to home. It’s much more convenient than driving to a restaurant, picking up the food, then returning home. But that perk comes at a price.
The only thing more vexing than broke people ordering food for home delivery is their refusal to tip or complain they can’t afford to tip. Anyone who can’t afford to give a decent tip can’t afford delivery service and needs to cook at home.
5. Designer Anything

This falls into the mindset of being broke but not wanting to look like it. No one wants to look like they’re struggling financially, so they fake it until they make it by purchasing designer clothes, shoes, handbags, sunglasses, and pretty much anything with a price label on it.
It’s normal to see the wealthy wearing a $600 belt or a $750 pair of jeans, But when someone struggling financially is walking around in designer gear, that’s a pretty good indicator of why they have no money.
6. False Eyelashes and Hair Extensions

There’s nothing wrong with personal grooming practices that make people feel the best about themselves. But it seems that the ones who can least afford to have false eyelashes and hair extensions installed are getting them anyway.
Hair extension clips and fake eyelashes can be bought and installed by the wearer, but chances are they’ll look terrible. Getting them put in by a professional looks terrific, but it’s expensive, not to mention they have to be frequently redone.
7. Fast Food

Fast food used to be cheap. Remember the dollar menus restaurants used to have? Those were good times. Today, fast food is as expensive as it is accessible.
It’s become so costly that a fast-food meal for two people is nearly as much as a two-person lunch at a casual dining restaurant. Fast food isn’t good for the body; it’s better to make healthier meals at home and save some money.
8. Lottery Tickets

People buy lottery tickets hoping to win a big enough jackpot never to have to worry about money again. Many people share this dream, but it’s not realistic.
According to one report, the odds of winning the top prize in a big-money lottery are one in 300 million. Someone has to win, but the odds are stacked against ticket buyers.
9. Piercings and Tattoos

Have you ever noticed that quite a few people who are struggling – as in having trouble paying rent and essential bills – have lots of tattoos and multiple piercings? They’re not hard to find.
There’s nothing wrong with using body art as a form of self-expression. However, if an individual needs financial assistance but is covered in body art, you have to wonder where their budget priorities are.
10. Plastic Surgery

For the most part, plastic surgery is considered an elective cosmetic procedure and isn’t covered by insurance. The operations are expensive in the U.S. and can be afforded by the wealthy.
Some patients who can’t afford a top Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon go to places like Mexico to have their procedures done cheaply. They’re not only risking their health and safety, they’re spending money they can’t afford to spend.
11. Smartphones

Smartphones, particularly the high-quality phones with the most features, are expensive. Whenever an updated version of an existing model is released, it costs even more than the last.
As much as these devices cost, those with the newest phones are the same ones who can least afford them. Even though their pockets are empty, they can’t pass up the chance to have bragging rights.
12. Sneakers

Sneakerheads come from all demographics, including rich, middle-income, and lower-income. It’s a thrill to buy and wear the hottest sneaker brands that most people can’t afford.
Buying a few pairs of sneakers to wear out of necessity is one thing when they’re perpetually short on funds. It’s another for someone to spend their last dime on them to add to a collection.
13. Sports Betting

Next to actual sporting events, wagering on sports is fast becoming an American pastime. Regarding gambling, bettors are not supposed to wager more than they can afford to lose.
Unfortunately, gamblers get in over their heads and become addicted to the activity. The numerous sports book apps make it even easier for users to bet, no matter how much or how little money they have.
14. Tobacco and Vape Products

This is pretty obvious because we all likely know someone who fits the profile. They ask you for money to pay for important expenses, yet they have enough money to buy $10 or $20 worth of tobacco or vaping products.
It makes one wonder, if they had to choose between eating and their smoke-filled hobby, what would they pick? I have a sinking feeling it would be the latter.
15. Expensive Gifts

Regarding gift giving, no one wants to be seen as cheap. Some go out on buying gifts for others even though they can’t afford them.
Their hearts are in the right place, but they should resist the urge to splurge. Handmade gifts like cookies and crafts are more budget-friendly and won’t break the bank.
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