
16 Affordable Retirement Activities Recommended by Experts

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After years of hard work, retirement brings you the freedom to open yourself up to new activities and adventures. These pursuits keep you engaged and have the potential to improve your well-being.

There’s a misconception that retirement is extremely expensive, as many people only think about luxury activities to do. Luckily, there are plenty of affordable ways to enjoy retirement.

Not everyone can splurge during these years, but that doesn’t mean your retirement should go to waste or you can’t enjoy it. To help you make the most of it, we’ve gathered a list of affordable activities that experts recommend.

1. Grow A Garden

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A great use of your empty yard is to turn it into a garden. There are plenty of affordable starter plants to grow, like aloe vera, peace lily, and dracaena. If you don’t have enough yard space, grow indoor plants such as snake plants or spider plants. 

Shop at your local gardening store and purchase a starter kit. And I bet that if you share your new hobby with friends, you’ll get plants from them in no time. You can also make fertilizer using compost at home — all you have to do is gather food waste in a compost bin. 

2. Be a Volunteer 

Mature people volunteering
Image Credit: yacobchuk1/DepositPhotos.

A feel-good activity that doesn’t cost a dime is to volunteer. There are plenty of causes to support, including animal welfare, environmental conservation, clean-up efforts, feeding the homeless, caring for sick children, and teaching in nonprofit programs. 

You can ask around if there are causes that are looking for volunteers in your area. Alternatively, you can volunteer independently or start a new initiative for your community.

3. Exercise

mature woman on the gym
Image Crediit: Lester120/DepositPhotos.

It’s important to stay active, especially during your senior years. A great way to make use of your free time is to exercise regularly. Luckily, you don’t have to sign up for gym memberships, as there are plenty of exercises you can do at home. 

You can do a quick cardio session, go for a jog, tai chi, or yoga. For starters, take a simple walk in the park and increase the speed and distance day after day. 

4. Learn a New Language

Senior woman translator listening to the conversations on her laptop.
Image Credit: yacobchuk1/DepositPhotos.

It takes time and effort to learn a foreign language, but now that you have more than enough time to do so, you can finally achieve this goal. Whether it’s French, Italian, Mandarin, or Japanese, take the chance to absorb new vocabulary and immerse yourself in new cultures.

There are plenty of free online resources to help you get started. You can also buy books or watch movies in the language you want to learn. If you know someone who speaks your target language, it’s even more enjoyable and effective to learn from them.

5. Learn How to Dance

Mature woman learning ballet
Image Credit: yacobchuk1/DepositPhotos.

An enjoyable way to move your body is to dance to an upbeat song or a soulful classical piece. It’s a fun way to incorporate movement into your routine.

You can learn to dance the tango, Latin, salsa, or ballroom. There are plenty of free online lessons to introduce you to all genres of dance. 

6. Write a Book

Mature woman writing her will
Image Credit: photography33/DepositPhotos.

It’s important to exercise your brain as you age, and writing a book is a great way to do that. With retirement giving you lots of free time, you can write and edit at your own pace.

You can explore different genres like science fiction, mystery, or nonfiction. To explore literature more deeply, write a collection of poems. If you’re interested in publishing your works, it might involve costs like hiring editors or cover designers, but you can also consider self-publishing through online platforms.

7. Paint or Draw

Mature woman painting
Image Credit: diego_cervo/DepositPhotos.

Squeeze out your creative juices and learn how to paint or draw. You don’t need expensive tools to start — a simple pencil and paper will do.

Local shops sell affordable painting supplies like paints and brushes. You can also find secondhand books to learn the basics or watch online videos to guide you through your new craft.

8. Learn to Play an Instrument

Mature woman having violin lessons
Image Credit: Miljan/DepositPhotos.

Being a senior shouldn’t stop you from getting in touch with music. You can learn to play any instrument at any age, like the guitar, piano, or violin. 

You do need to purchase an instrument before you can start learning. Luckily, some stores offer cheap starter instruments, or you can buy them secondhand. Moreover, you can watch free online videos to learn how to play the instrument of your choice. 

9. Discover New Crafts

Mature women doing pottery
Image Credit: HayDmitriy/DepositPhotos.

It’s time to get your mind and body moving by learning new crafts. Your senior years are the perfect time to discover new hobbies. While some might require tools, you can sell your creations and turn your hobby into a profit. 

There are plenty of crafts to explore: crochet, knitting, embroidery, woodwork, making candles, pottery, or sewing. It might take a while to get used to the craft, but the process is half the fun. 

10. Go Fishing

Mature men fishing
Image Credit: gpointstudio/DepositPhotos.

If you live near a lake, give fishing a go. It can be as expensive as you make it, with plenty of affordable fishing gear available at local stores. 

Fishing is a great activity that can create a special bond with your family. Bring your children, family, and friends along and turn fishing into a fun social activity.

11. Spend Time with Family

Older lady
Credit: Dmyrto_Z/Depositphotos

The most affordable and rewarding thing you can do during retirement is to spend time with your family. Now, you have all the time in the world to catch up on their lives, whether they’re starting a new job, adding a new member to the family, or opening a new business.

Spend time with your children and grandchildren. Visit their homes to share stories or play games together. You can also invite your grandchildren to stay the night and let their parents enjoy a date night. 

12. Play Games

Mature couple playing chess
Image Credit: pressmaster/DepositPhotos.

There’s no age limit when it comes to games. Playing games is a great way to keep your mind active, especially in your later years. 

Begin with crossword puzzles, sudoku, or chess. If you’d like a more modern approach, use a tablet to download free puzzles and memory games. 

13. Do Sports Outside

Mature man playing tennis
Image Credit: Sepy/DepositPhotos.

Another way to keep yourself active during retirement is to do sports. Joining sports activities offers many benefits like adding a healthy challenge to your day and allowing you to socialize with a group of people.

There are plenty of outdoor sports to try, such as golf, badminton, tennis, walking soccer, and swimming. With sports, you get physical activity and a mood boost. Especially when you’re out in the sun, you’ll get an even bigger mood boost.

14. Become a Tutor

Senior Tutor teaching kids.
Image Credit: racorn/Depositphotos.

Now is the perfect time to pass on your knowledge to the younger generation. Teaching children is a great way to stay mentally active and bond with other people.

You can help kids in your neighborhood with subjects like math, reading, science, or history. As a tutor, you keep your mind sharp and socialize with students, which creates a rewarding experience for both you and the children.

15. Start a Small Business

Mature couple writing their will
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If you don’t want to be idle and want to keep moving toward goals, consider starting a small business. It keeps you busy and lets you earn extra money for those small luxuries.

Starting a small business doesn’t have to be expensive. You can sell your crafts, baked goods, offer coaching services, or resell products. You can set up an online business or use your garage as your workspace.

16. Cook or Bake

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It’s fulfilling to cook or bake for your family. If you didn’t have time to learn these skills when you were younger, now is the perfect opportunity to start and perfect your meals.  

You can learn to cook and bake anything you want. There are plenty of free videos online that share delicious recipes. You can also enroll in local cooking or baking classes, which are both affordable and informative.

20 Activities to Avoid After the Age of 75

Senior woman walking with a dog on a leash.
Image Credit: fotokostic/Depositphotos.

Getting older means making some changes to stay safe and healthy. When you hit 75, it’s wise to avoid certain activities that could be risky. This doesn’t mean you must stop having fun or living your life to the fullest. It’s just about being careful and making good choices. In this post, we’ll talk about 20 things you should stay away from after turning 75.

Cheap Retirement Countries: 10 Countries Where You Can Retire With $2,000 per Month

Happy Old Couple Sitting On Sofa Resized MSN
Image Credit: Depositphotos.

Are you looking forward to retirement? Do you imagine peaceful days spent socializing with family and friends, pursuing hobbies, and catching up on things you put off during a long career with limited time off?

While we all long for those days, you may look at your bank account and bills and wonder if they’ll ever come. If retiring in the U.S. feels unattainable, there are options for moving abroad that may be within your budget.

15 Retirement Destinations That Are Cheap and Adventurous

Toledo, Spain
Credit: Depositphotos

For retirees looking for both financial security and exciting new experiences in their golden years, this article provides a unique possibility. With the world becoming a smaller place, this notion investigates the feasibility of retiring abroad or staying close to home while still receiving Social Security payments. The promise of making retirement savings go further due to lower living costs in some countries or states is a major selling point. 

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